Treatment Methods
Acupuncture works by stimulating your body’s natural energy flow. This flow nourishes the body and allows it to function smoothly and efficiently. Any disruption or blockage of the flow of energy could result in an unbalance in the body (ie. decrease function or pain).
Acupuncture aims to correct this flow of energy, thereby restoring function and balance within the body.
Mental-Emotional: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Insomnia
Respiratory System: Acute Bronchitis, Asthma, Sinusitis, Common Cold, Allergies
Gastro-intestinal Disorders: Acid Reflux, Gastritis, Ulcer (pain relief), Constipation, Diarrhea
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Headache and migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia (TMJ), Peripheral neuropathies, “Frozen shoulder”, “Tennis elbow”, Sciatica, Low-back pain, Osteoarthritis
Gynecological Issues: Infertility, Sexual dysfunction (low libido, erectile dysfunction), Breech position in pregnancy, Induction of labour
Cancer Treatments: Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient technique with the purpose to promote health and healing by loosening soft tissue and connective tissue, scarring and increasing circulation.
This therapy utilizes silicone, glass or plastic cups and a vacuum pump to create suction on the body surface. These cups are moved over the skin using gliding, shaking, popping and rotating techniques while gently pulling up on the cup, or left on for a short time to facilitate joint mobilization or soft tissue release.
Muscle Tightness: Tension and Pain (loosens knots and deep tissue blockages)
Digestive System: Diarrhea, Constipation, Indigestion, Vomiting
Respiratory System: Common cold, Cough, Asthma
Gynecological Issues: Absent periods, Irregular periods
Lymph Drainage: Helps to drain and clear lymph nodes
Boosts Skin Health: Tones and firms skin
Factors to consider when choosing a Cupping treatment session:
30 minute treatment is ideal for 1 area of the body, the most common being the full back.
45 minute treatment allows for 2 to 3 areas of your body to be cupped, this could be a back and chest combo.
60 minute treatment allows for full body cupping. This session is great because many people forget about their legs and feet. More often than not, treating the legs and feet help with lower back pain.
Acu-Cupping is unique to Pure Health. Kelly loves this treatment because it allows her to help a patient with their physical and emotional pain. Cupping treats the physical while acupuncture helps release any blockages and gets energy moving freely again throughout the body.
Acu-Cupping treatments can be booked for 60 or 90 minute sessions.
You get the benefits of both treatment types in one session. It's a must try!
Mental-Emotional: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Insomnia
Digestive System: Indigestion, Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhea
Gynecological Issues: Absent periods, Irregular periods, Infertility
Respiratory System: Acute Bronchitis, Asthma, Sinusitis, Common Cold, Allergies
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Headache and migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia (TMJ), Peripheral neuropathies, “Frozen shoulder”, “Tennis elbow”, Sciatica, Low-back pain, Osteoarthritis
Cancer Treatments: Adverse reactions to Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
Fees and Payment Methods
Initial Assessment with Treatment:
1 hour 15 minutes - $110
During the initial assessment, we discuss your current health, past treatments, medical history, etc. so Kelly can get to know you better and fully understand what would help you achieve your best health.
You will end your first session with an acupuncture and/or cupping treatment.
Follow-up Sessions:
Cupping Acupuncture
30 min - $45 45 min - $55
45 min - $65 1 hour - $85
1 hour - $85
Please Note:
If this is your FIRST Acupuncture Treatment, please book an Initial Assessment with Treatment and then after that you can book either the 45 min or 1 hour follow-up times.
We accept cash, debit, e-transfer or credit cards after your treatment.
There is also the option for direct billing with the following insurance companies:
Your appointment time is reserved just for you.
A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient.
As such, we require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment.
Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, will be charged a cancellation fee (half of the treatment fee), and if you fail to show up to your appointment, you will be charged the full fee.